
Welcome to The SDLA

The Sudbury and District Law Association is a voluntary organization of lawyers practicing in Northeastern Ontario. The Association provides library services to its members, continuing legal education and social events.
The SDLA also represents and advocates for the interests of the legal community towards the Law Society of Ontario, other professional organizations, judiciary, media and the general public.

Our History

The Sudbury District Law Association was incorporated as a not-for-profit association in 1923 by a group of lawyers who set the mandate to:
Provide and maintain a District Law Library for the use of the members of the Association and In connection with the Law Society of Ontario to promote the general welfare and interests of the legal profession in the District of Sudbury.
Today this not-for-profit association is governed by a volunteer board of lawyers from a variety of practice areas.
The SDLA continues to provide valuable law library services and research, continuing legal education and social events for members.
The SDLA represents and advocates the continuing interests of the legal community towards the Law Society of Ontario,

The Ontario Bar Association, Federation of Ontario Law Associations, other professional organizations, the judiciary, media and the general public.

The association also works with the local judiciary and the Province of Ontario to continually improve the court system within the Province of Ontario for the benefit of all individuals of the District of Sudbury.

Sudbury Courthouse 1923

Our Lawyers

We are an organization of lawyers who look out for the best interests of each other and the community of law professionals in the Greater Sudbury Area. The lawyers of the SDLA are excited to welcome new members to our team, as we believe in the strength of numbers and the power of unity.
As our community continues to grow, so does our extensive scope of information and resources.

Member Services and Resources


Use of Library

The Law Library and its services are for the use of fee-paying member lawyers of the Law Society of Ontario.


Document Delivery / Interlibrary Loan

The SDLA can borrow materials or obtain photocopies from other law libraries by email, courier, or fax. This service is normally without charge to members.


Desktop Computers

Three computers with WestLawNext Canada and LexisAdvance QL database access for various needs.


Will Check Wills Registry for Ontario

Will Check is a registry to store the location for wills (not the wills themselves). Will Search requests, if successful, will return the contact information of the law office that holds or drafted the will. Requests and submissions can only be made by members of the LSO.

Visit Will Check

Colloquium 2024

If this link does not work, cut and paste the URL into your web browser.

Visit Colloquium

Wifi Service

SDLA provides free wifi service (password-protected) to its members and visiting counsel within the library and lounge.



For any inquiries, please contact our support team via email.


Robing Rooms & Lockers

Available to out-of-town counsel for convenient use.

Our Executives & Staff



James Carpino


Jessica Pugliese


Scott Croteau


Jordan Duplessis


Brandy Charsley


Danielle Vincent


Carly Harris


Sara Fretwell


Kelsi-Ann Weist

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